Andrea Johnson
5 PM Friday, June 5, 2017
Andrea Johnson is the Research Director at Terreform, a NYC-based urban research center founded in 2005 by Michael Sorkin that makes strategic interventions in vexed and revelatory urban situations to present alternatives and stretch the parameters of debate. At Terreform, Andrea has coordinated numerous speculative design projects, including an alternative proposal for Columbia University’s expansion into Upper Manhattan; a study of Yachay, a technopole currently being planned in northern Ecuador; and the first volume of Terreform’s long-term research and design initiative, New York City [Steady] State. Andrea has a B.A. from the University of Michigan and a Master of Landscape Architecture from The City College of New York, where she is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Digital Representation and Environmental Planning. In 2015, she was named a National Olmsted Scholar Finalist. Andrea has worked with Diana Wiesner Architecture and Landscape in Bogotá, Colombia and Urban Think Tank in Zurich, Switzerland. In January, she joined forces with Ghana Think Tank and led focus groups with residents of Kochi, India to solve problems of diversity identified by residents of Houston, Texas. Prior to her landscape studies, Andrea provided legal services to immigrants and refugees in New York City and assisted women to start small businesses in Puerto Rico.