Steel Design Student Competition
Results of the national 2012-2013 Steel Design Student Competition were announced in September by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA). The top prize winner and two honorable mentions in the Open category are Cal Poly students enrolled in Professor Thomas Fowler's third year 2012-2013 design courses.
Architecture students Trevor Larsen and Ben Pennell were congratulated for their design, Injection, and winning the top prize with a cash award of $2,375. Their project will be on display at the ACSA 102nd Annual Meeting in Miami Beach, FL, in April 2014, and again in June at the American Institute of Architects' National Convention in Chicago, IL.
Students Max Wisotsky and Danielle Aspitz received honorable mentions for their designs Inflate: An Expression of Information Use in Bayview, San Francisco, and Quilt of enLIGHTenment, respectively. Both projects are available for viewing on the ACSA website.
Overall, more than 1,000 participants submitted projects to the jury who awarded two top winners and three honorable mentions in the Open category. Having received three out of five possible awards in this category exemplifies the talent of Cal Poly students and the value of its Learn by Doing philosophy.
View Professor Fowler's faculty page.
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