2005-2006 News & Events Archive

News & Events Archives

ARCH Students Win National CSI Scavenger Hunt

Photo of Irwin Gozali and Warren Troung with two other students

Irwin Gozali and Warren Troung (shown top left in photo, L-R) placed second at the 50th Annual CSI Show and Convention Scavenger Hunt. The scavenger hunt led them through the exhibit hall and introduced them to CSI members.


ARCE Instructor Gives Award-Winning Presentation

Ed Saliklis receives an award

Edmond Saliklis (left) earned “Best Presentation” in the Architectural Engineering Division at the American Society for Engineering Education's Annual Conference. Go to Digital Commons at Kennedy Library and search the 2006 news releases for more on Saliklis' paper that describes the current literature devoted to the engineering undergraduate research experience, and several case studies of student projects he has mentored..


Professor Appointed to Advisory Board of HUD "Cityscape" Journal

Picture of William Siembieda

Professor and CRP Department Head William Siembieda has been appointed to the advisory board of “Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research.”

To read more about Siembieda's appointment, go to Digital Commons at the Kennedy Library website and search under 2006 news releases.


Students Win Award for Concrete Sculpture

Picture of students in front of conrete structure

Five students received an Award of Excellence at the 2006 Post Tensioning Institute Awards for their design of a concrete blade structure. It replaced the deteriorating original designed in 1963 by (L-R at the dedication) Ken Minor, Steve Gilmore, Mark Haselton and the late Dan McMann. The winning students are Jon Voorhies, Susan Smilanich, Robert Pacheco, Mike McDonnell, and Ben Green (bottom right). Their faculty advisor Nick Watry is pictured top right.

To read more, go to Digital Commons on the Kennedy Library website and search under 2006 news releases.


Ben Londo Repeats as Top College Cowboy at National Rodeo

Picture of Ben Londo on a horse in a rodeo

Construction Management junior Ben Londo of Milton Freewater, Ore. won his second consecutive Men's All-Around title at the 2006 College National Finals Rodeo.

Read the news release at Digital Commons, Kennedy Library website. Search under 2006 news releases.


Dean Emeritus Paul Neel Receives Prestigious Award

Picture of Paul Neel

Paul Neel, FAIA and dean emeritus of the CAED, has been awarded the Octavius Morgan Distinguished Service Award. The award, presented by the California Department of Consumer Affairs, recognizes architects for their contribution to the profession and the people of California.

For details about the award presentation, go to Digital Commons at the Kennedy Library website and search for Neel under 2006 news releases.


Architecture Alumni Place Third at ENYA Competition

Picture of ENYA competition design

Dominic Leong and Brian Price were recently awarded third place at the Biennial International Ideas Competition in New York City. The event challenged participants to develop a visual/performing arts center on Roosevelt Island, New York, keeping in mind issues of universal design and historic rejuvenation. Read more in the news release about the competition that included more than 40 jury-selected entries from around the world. Go to Digital Commons on the Kennedy Library website and search under 2006 news.


Arch Alum Leads Project That Received 2006 CASH/AIACC Leroy F. Greene Design - Award of Merit

Picture of the Leroy Greene Design Project

Cal Poly alumnus Robert Simons, AIA, and MVE Institutional have been recognized with the prestigious Leroy F. Greene Design Award for the firm’s Valley Region Elementary School No. 6 design concept. The design was cited for its thoughtful site planning, in which the classrooms surround outdoor learning environments that encourage small group interaction.


Kick-off of Design-Build "Boot Camps" a Success

Picture of Barbara Jackson

The California Center for Construction Education at Cal Poly and the Design-Build Institute of America recently hosted the first Design-Build Professional Designation Boot Camp, May 8-12. The boot camps are designed to speed up the certification process for professional design-build designation. Two more boot camps are planned. The Aug. 6-12 session is full, with space still available for the Sept. 10-16 program. CM Professor Barbara Jackson leads the camps and was honored with the DBIA Distinguished Service Award.

A news release is available at Digital Commons on the Kennedy Library website. Search for it under 2006 news.


Graduates--Get Your Grad Packs and FREE Lifetime E-mail!

Cal Poly Mustangs Logo

Grad Packs include a one-year membership to the Cal Poly Alumni Association, exclusive Class of 2006 gift, and an Alumni Association license plate frame. Seniors can also register for free lifetime e-mail forwarding. This allows you to keep your Cal Poly e-mail address for life no matter how many times you change your ISP. Stay in touch with your friends and get yours before the deadline!


Architecture Professor Merrill C. Gaines Remembered

Picture of Merrill Gaines

Merrill C. Gaines, of San Luis Obispo, passed away March 15, 2006. In 1976, he came to Cal Poly, and remained as a professor until his retirement in 2002. In 1989, Merrill's fifth-year studio earned the first national, professional design competition awarded to Cal Poly students. Read more (.pdf) about his accomplishments and an endowment established in his name.


Construction Management Department Heads Honored

Picture of Allen Hauck and James Rodgers

Interim Provost Robert Detweiler and CAED Dean R. Thomas Jones presented CM Department Head Allan Hauck, and former CM Department Head James Rodger (L-R), with the first Provost's Leadership Award for Partnership in Philanthropy for their long-term efforts to build support for the new CM building. The award, presented at the building groundbreaking dinner May 6, recognizes a current or former faculty member's superior achievement in fundraising.

Details are available in a news release at Digital Commons on the Kennedy Library website. Search under 2006 news.


City and Regional Planning Wins Three Awards

Picture of Leadership award project

The CRP Department received three 2006 Awards for Leadership and Service from the Central Coast Chapter of the American Planning Association. The Templeton Community Plan and Downtown Urban Design Study received an Award of Excellence for updating the Salinas River Area Plan. The department's annual publication “Focus” received an award as did the students’ Park Marina Area Concept Plan for Redding.

A news release is available for further information at Digital Commons under 2006 news.


CRP Students Draft Saticoy-Wells Community Plan Proposal

Picture of Saticoy-Wells project

City and regional planning students have proposed a community plan for the Saticoy-Wells area on the eastside of the city of Ventura. Students researched existing land uses, environmental resources and the area’s economy to assess opportunities and constraints. After a series of public meetings and workshops, the students presented their suggestions for future development.

Search for the news release at Digital Commons on the Kennedy Library website under 2006 news.


California Center for Construction Education
Launched with Charles Pankow Foundation Grant

Picture of California Center for Construction Education building render

The Charles Pankow Foundation has awarded the new California Center for Construction Education a $100,000 grant to expand undergraduate offerings in design-build education across the nation. The center is part of the Construction Management Department. The grant will also support a national design-build educator conference for construction management, architecture and engineering faculty to be hosted at Cal Poly.

More details are available in the news release at Digital Commons on the Kennedy Library website. Search for it under 2006 news releases.


CM Team Repeats as NAHB Champions!

Picture of NAHB champions

Cal Poly’s construction management team topped 34 other universities to earn first place for the second year in a row at the recent National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB) Student Competition. The “Polytex” team of (front row L to R) Aaron Amuchastegui, Jeremy Johnson, Clayton Thompson, (back row L to R) Aaryn Abbot, Dan Loper, Coach Dr. Barbara Jackson, and John Parnell developed the winning proposal for a ten acre, 28 building, condominium project in Texas.

For the complete news release, go to Digital Commons and search for it under 2006 news.


Architecture Alum's Research in Mexico Profiled in N.Y. Times

Picture of free-from shantytown design

Architecture alum Teddy Cruz has studied the shanty towns of Mexico and his work and theories were profiled in the Sunday New York Times March 12. Cruz, a San Diego architect, sees inspiration in the free-form shantytowns springing up on hillsides around the Mexican border city.

Read more from the New York Times News Release (.pdf)


Architecture and Landscape Architecture Programs
Rank “Best in Nation” Among Western Firms

Picture of people building the solar decathlon house

A national poll of practitioners has ranked Cal Poly’s undergraduate architecture program as third in the nation at producing "graduates most prepared for real-world practice." In a separate ranking by landscape architecture firms and public-sector practitioners, the undergraduate landscape architecture program ranked as one of the top ten in the U.S. Additionally, firms in the West chose Cal Poly’s architecture and landscape architecture programs as "Best in Nation." Both departments recently collaborated on Cal Poly’s winning entry in the Solar Decathlon that earned third place.

A news release containing more information is available at Digital Commons under 2006 news.


Cal Poly Shines with Third Place Finish in Int’l Solar Decathlon!

Picture of Solar House

Cal Poly’s solar house and California’s only student team, Solar CalPoly, won third place at the international Solar Decathlon competition in Washington, D.C. We invite you to click on the these links for more on the competition:
Read how the team earned first and second in several categories, including architecture, and view a photo gallery of the team’s effort at Robert E. Kennedy Library's digital archives, Digital Commons. Search under 2006 news releases.

See more event photos, a gallery of the homes in the Solar Village, read daily news releases from the national organizers, scores and standings, team interviews and journal entries in the Solar Decathblog.

Visit the Solar CalPoly team web site.
Learn how this project was powered by industry and alumni support in the news release under 2006 news at Digital Commons.


State Energy Commission Commends Solar Decathlon Team

Picture of Cal Poly Solar House

Meeting January 18 in Sacramento, the State Energy Commission issued a resolution commending the Solar CalPoly team for representing California and “brilliantly” competing against 17 universities from the United States, Canada and Europe at last fall’s Solar Decathlon in Washington, D.C. SLO County supervisors issued a similar statement at their meeting February 7. Cal Poly finished third in the international contest to design, build and operate a livable and energy-efficient solar-powered home. View the official state (.pdf) and county (.pdf) proclamations.

Read more about it in the news release available at Digital Commons on the Kennedy Library website. Search under 2006 news.


LA and CRP Students, Faculty Design Buffer for Mayan Ruins in Honduras

Picture of Mayan Ruins Eagle

A Cal Poly team traveled to Honduras to work with their counterparts at the Centro de Diseno, Arquiectura y Construccion of Tegucigalpa to plan a 25-square-kilometer buffer zone around the Copan Archaeological Park. The park is designated as a World Heritage of Humanity site to protect ancient Mayan ruins.

Read more in the news release at Digital Commons. Search for it under 2006 news releases.


Friends of Walt Tryon Establish Endowment in His Memory

Picture of Walt Tryon

Beloved colleague and long-time Cal Poly landscape architecture faculty member Walt Tryon passed away at his home October 25th. Walt’s holistic teaching style, caring attitude, world perspective and genuine friendship influenced so many in his almost 30 years of teaching at the College of Architecture and Environmental Design. He was very active in the local community and taught the full range of courses offered in the Landscape Architecture Department. Due in part to his long-term tenure and efforts, the program was recently ranked by practitioners as the “Best in the West.”

A ceremony celebrating his life was held on campus on October 30. To honor his memory and emulate the same inclusive teaching style, an endowment is being established in his name. His many friends, colleagues and fellow alumni are invited to help provide support to reach a goal of $50,000. Funds should be sent to the CAED and made payable to the Cal Poly Foundation “in memory of Walt Tryon.”


Picture of Extreme Makeover showing

Chris Kelly (ARCH '99), one of many CAED alumni employed at KTGY GROUP, INC. in Irvine, CA., was a featured architect on the Sunday, Nov. 6 episode of ABC’s Extreme Home Makeover. The new home designed to meet the needs of the Tom family is three stories with an elevator. The total time of demolition of the old home and construction of the new home was 100 straight hours. Kelly's role was laying a special, fast-drying foundation. The foundation was laid at 5:00 am and frame work started at 9:00 am of the same day.


Sustainable Design Curriculum Wins Top National Award From AIA for "Ecological Literacy"

Picture of sustainable bus rendering

Cal Poly’s Sustainable Environments Minor program together with its core interdisciplinary environmental design (“EDes”) courses and related Sustainable Environmental Design Education (SEDE) curriculum project has won top honors from the American Institute of Architects.

Go to Digital Commons and search for Sustainable Design under 2006 news for the full news release.


Community Design Expert Named Landscape Architecture Department Head

Picture of Margarita Hill

The college is pleased to announce Margarita Hill, ASLA, has been appointed as the new department head to lead the university’s acclaimed landscape architecture program. Read more (.pdf) on her accomplishments and how she will oversee a new strategic planning process for the department.


CAED Alumnus Dennis Moresco Inducted Into California Builder Hall of Fame

Picture of Dennis Moresco

Dennis Moresco, Midland Pacific Homes Founder/CEO/President, was recently recognized for his long-term advancement of the home building industry and community service. Read more (.pdf) about this Central Coast resident’s induction into the California Building Industry Foundation’s (CBIF) Hall of Fame.


CRP Students Receive Prestigious APA and National AICP Awards

Picture of CRP students receiving award

Central Coast CCAPA Director Jennifer Foster presents an Outstanding Award for the class project, “San Miguel 2025: Comprehensive Plan,” to faculty advisor Professor Zeljka Pavlovich Howard and city and regional planning graduates, Christopher Jordan and Nicholle Narhi, who were fourth year students at the time of the award presentation (L-R).

A news release is available at Digital Commons on the Kennedy Library website. Search for CRP under 2006 news.


The CAED Ambassadors

Picture of CAED Ambassadors

The CAED Ambassadors is a student group with representatives from all five departments. They guide personal tours of College facilities and offer information and advice to prospective students. Tour times are flexible for interested parties. For more information,contact the Ambassadors at caedambassadors@yahoogroups.com


High Job Demand for City & Regional Planning Students

Picture of CRP students on fieldtrip

Employers are asking for more City & Regional Planning students to fill their positions. The CRP motto “Get an education, get a job, make a difference,” is truer than ever and we invite you to visit the CRP web site for information on one of California’s finest professional city planning degree programs.


Cupertino Electric Donates $300,000 for New Lab

Picture of Cupertino Electric Logo

Cupertino Electric Inc., one of the state’s most successful electrical contracting companies, is helping to create a cutting-edge laboratory within a new CAED building.

Read more in the news release at Digital Commons, Kennedy Library. Search for Cupertino under 2005 news.


RRM Design Group Donates $65,000 to Create CAED Student Scholarships

Picture of RRM and CAED people

CAED Associate Dean K. Richard Zweifel and Dean R. Thomas Jones thank RRM Design Group President and CEO Victor Montgomery and COO/CFO Gregory Peters (L-R) following the firm's donation to create the "RRM Design Group Scholarship Endowment."

Read the news release by searching for RRM under 2005 news at Digital Commons, Kennedy Library.


Simpson Strong-Tie Donates $500,000 for New CM Lab

Picture of CM building renderingPicture of Simpson Logo

This gift from one of the largest suppliers of structural building connectors in the world will help fund a laboratory that will be the largest element in a new Center for Construction Excellence. Read more from Cal Poly News about the firm's nearly 20 years of support and how this will benefit all CAED students.

Prop 55 Brings $35 Million to Cal Poly including Design and Construction of CAED Building

Read more about the March 2 school bond that will help replace aging classrooms and equipment and pay for architectural design and construction. Pictured is the latest rendering of the CAED's proposed state and privately funded complex. Cal Poly News has more on how this will boost the local economy.

Fall Hearst Lectures Series "PAN PACIFICA: Blurring the Borders between the U.S., Mexico and Australia"

The Series is under way with Anthony Burke's "Media Meets Complexity," and a digital media workshop Friday, Nov. 17 at 4 p.m. Find out more about the speakers and schedules.

Go to Kennedy Library's Digital Commons archives to read the full news release. Search for Simpson under 2005 news releases.


Students' Downtown Plan Places Second and Sparks City's Interest

Picture of studetns receiving second place award

An interdisciplinary design team (pictured) proposed a $28.6 million mixed-use, mixed-income housing opportunity project in downtown Grover Beach for the 2006 Bank of America Low-Income Housing Challenge. The design placed second in the competition against UC Berkeley and Stanford. City planners are considering the design as a possible long-term option for the Grover Beach.

Read more in the campus news release at Digital Commons (search for it under 2005 news) and in the Santa Maria Times (.pdf).


Winter Hearst Lecture Series "PAN PACIFICA" Continues

Picutre of Pan Pacifica company logo

The winter series continues with Cal Poly architecture alumni Joey Shimoda and Eric Pfeiffer, and others. Shimoda will lecture on his work with Shimoda Design Group, which he established in 1999. Pfeiffer will talk about his furniture and industrial design work.

A news release with more information is available at Kennedy Library's Digital Commons archives. Search for it under 2005 news.


Library Hosts "M:OME" Exhibition Oct. 27 to Dec. 15

Picture of Modern Sustainable Living rendering

The "M:OME - Modern Sustainable Living" exhibition will feature architectural designs, process drawings, watercolor renderings, furniture, and lifestyle product design, all incorporating proven sustainable technologies. Learn more.

Go to Kennedy Library's Digital Commons archives to read amore about M:OME Exhibition. Search for the news release under 2005 news.


Fall Homecoming and Classes of ‘56 & ‘61 Reunions

Picture of people at CAED reunion

This fall the CAED is celebrating several events such as the Class of ‘61 Reunion on Sept. 29 and 30. During Homecoming 2006, Oct. 19-22, is the ARCE Class of ‘56 Reunion and Parents Weekend. The Class of ‘55 is shown gathered last year at the Hasslein Sculpture.


CM Professor Wins ‘Outstanding Educator Award’

Picture of Barbara Jackson

Barbara Jackson recently received the Associated Schools of Construction “Outstanding Educator Award” at the 42nd Annual ASC International Conference. The award recognizes the faculty member's contribution to construction education, excellence in teaching, service to the ASC and dedication to the construction profession.

A news release is available at Digital Commons. Look for it under 2005 news.


AIA Convention: Architecture Student in “Chair Affair” finals & Cal Poly Alumni Reception June 8

Picture of Vellum Chair Affair

Joseph Lyman will compete in the American Institute of Architecture Students Chair Affair 2006, June 8-10 in Los Angeles during the AIA National Convention and Design Exposition. The top six chair designers hail from Cuesta College to Harvard University. Thursday, June 8 during the convention the Architecture Department will host an Alumni Reception at the Biltmore Hotel.

To read more about this event, search for it in the 2005 news section of Kennedy Library's digital archives, Digital Commons.


CM Grad Receives $20,000 Regnier Fellowship

Picture of Joe Karten

Construction management graduate Joe Karten was awarded the Victor L. Regnier Traveling Fellowship and $20,000 for his proposal to research sustainable buildings in foreign countries and to create a web-based database of case studies of the buildings he visits. He will meet with architects, contractors and planners in Mexico and Europe. Learn more about the fellowship.

A news release containing more information is available at Digital Commons on the Kennedy Library website. Search under 2005 news.


Architectural Engineering Alum Receives A+E Award

Picture of John Lawson

John W. Lawson, S.E., vice president of Kramer and Lawson, Inc. won the Architecture and Engineering Award from the Tilt-Up Concrete Association. Lawson was selected for his significant efforts to correct and clarify seismic elements of the building code related to tilt-up buildings and improving the standards that deal with seismic issues.



Solar Decathlon Film Premieres May 25

Picture of solar team

Cal Poly will host the world premiere of "Solar Decathlon 2005- A Solar Village on the National Mall" Thursday, May 25, at 6 p.m. The film, produced by the Rahus Institute, follows the Cal Poly team through the design-build process and travels with the team across country to the competition. Preceding the film, Cal Poly's Solar Decathlon House will be open to the public from 4 to 6 p.m. Read more about this event that is free and open to the public.

Go to Digital Commons and search under 2005 news for the full news release.


Big “Coalesce” Architecture Show May 26 - 28

Picture of ARCH show logo

This year’s free, fifth-year show 'Coalesce' will be showcasing the work of 180 graduating architecture students. It opens May 26, at 3:00 p.m. with a reception, and runs through Sunday, May 28, at Cal Poly’s Chumash Auditorium.


LA Dept Senior Show “Vaunt: Design Aphrodisiac” May 26

Picture of Vaunt flyer

This fifth-year show will be showcasing the work of graduating landscape architecture students, on Friday, May 26. It opens at 11:00 am, with a reception from 2-5 pm at Cal Poly’s Beef Pavilion.

"Vaunt" developed by fifth-year landscape architecture students, showcases proposed designs in various cities in the United States and Brazil. The display includes renderings, films, furnishings and other media.


CAED Open House 2006 A Success!

Picture of Architecture sails

You can view Open House photo galleries of CAED displays and the Design Village Competition. The photography is by Cal Poly student Nick Hoover and the galleries are courtesy of the Cal Poly Update e-newsletter.


Alumni & Friends Invited to Gala Groundbreaking Weekend May 6-7

Picture of CM building rendering

Alumni and friends are invited to our Gala Groundbreaking Celebration for our new building. For further details on all of the exciting events such as a golf tournament, barbeques and an ice cream social, download the event brochure (.pdf).


Spring Hearst Lectures Series: “40 Below”

Picture of 40 Below lecture logo

The spring series continues with the theme featuring successful architects in their forties and younger. A variety of national and international speakers will be on hand. The speakers include Peter Rumsey; Lisa Iwamoto; Tezuka Architects, from Tokyo, Japan; Robb Haukohl; and Paul Lewis.


3D Series Showcases New Technologies

Picture of 3D worlds logo

The “3D Virtual Worlds Speaker Series” showcases emerging 3D technologies. Speakers will discuss how virtual 3D worlds are enabling us to view various aspects of our real world interactively and they will cover environmental design areas including Geographic Information Systems (GIS), architecture, landscape architecture, construction, and 3D gaming. Learn more about the new series and calendar of speakers (.pdf).


M Teams Win Three Divisions at ASC Competition

Picture of CM team holding price

Three student teams won first place at the Associated Schools of Construction Far West Regional Competition held Feb. 8-11 in Reno, Nev. Cal Poly construction management majors finished first in the region’s commercial and residential categories. National first-place honors were earned by the mechanical team consisting of (front row L-R) Coach Mike Montoya, Patrick Clifford, Matthew Para, (back row L-R) Frank Ormonde, Dan Loper, Matt Marcotte, and David Lopez.

Go to Digital Commons and search under 2005 news for the full news release.


CRP Disaster Symposium Results Published

Picture of the eye of a hurricane

The year 2005 brought major disasters to the front stage. Cal Poly hosted the International Symposium on Urban Disaster Risk Reduction and Regeneration Planning: Integrating Practice, Policy and Theory. The main goal of the November 3-5, 2005 event, was to create an international foundation of knowledge. Organizers hope to create effective actions to enhance sustainability through mitigation of disaster risks and facilitation of recovery.


A Toast to the Winery Designs of Architecture Alumni

Picture of the a winery building

Cal Poly architecture grads Steven Pults and Tim Woodle are receiving accolades for putting SLO County’s viticulture regions on the map with their innovative, tasteful designs for several local wineries. Their firm, Steven D. Pults, AIA & Associates, is responsible for 20 winery projects in the past 10 years.

Read more in the San Luis Obispo Tribune’s News Release (.pdf)


CAED Spring Calendar Update

Picture of the maypole house

The CAED’s new calendar has all the latest events for the upcoming quarters including Landscape Architecture Design Week, the Construction Sciences Forum, Open House 2006, and the CAED/Construction Management Building Groundbreaking and alumni events.


Landscape Architecture Design Week Focuses on New Orleans Regeneration

Picture of flooded car

By working in interdisciplinary teams from the landscape architecture, architecture, and city and regional planning programs, students, faculty and design professionals will collaborate April 3 to 7 to create ideas and designs for regeneration of the Crescent City. Find out more at Cal Poly News.

To read more, go to Digital Commons and search for this news release under 2005 news.


Construction Sciences Forum April 5-7 to Focus on “Things You Don’t Learn In School”

Picture of Lee Orosco

The forum will offer future builders ideas for what to do after college. It is sponsored by the Construction Specifications Institute Club of the CAED. Most of the events are open to the public including the keynote address at the PAC by Lee Orosco (pictured). Most other events will be in the Berg Gallery, Building 05, Room 105.

Read more in the news release available at Digital Commons. Search for it under 2005 news.


Landscape Architecture Students Win Design Competition

Picture of Kathryn HergenratherPicture of Joshua Circle-Woodburn

Landscape architecture students Joshua Circle-Woodburn and Kathryn Hergenrather were both awarded $1,000 at the sixth annual Grace competition. The judges found the students' winning entries covered a "wide-range of issues impacting public health, safety and welfare, many of which are not clearly seen or easily understood by the public and legislators." The students were among only four honored for their landscape design plans. Circle-Woodburn and Hergenrather graduated in June, but submitted their entries before the competition deadline in May.

Go to Digital Commons for the full news release. Search under 2005 news.


Landscape Architecture Grad Joins the Great Park Conservancy Board

Picture of Rick Hume

Rick T. Hume, ASLA (’76 LA) has joined the Board of Directors of the Great Park Conservancy, which supports the development of the Orange County Great Park with a comprehensive strategy of public education and community outreach. Rick will help lead the Conservancy in its support of a world-class urban park on the 4,693 acre site of the former Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro, CA.

Read more in the Press Release (.pdf).


Alum Bruce Shimizu Presents Case Study at AIA National Conference

Picture of Bruce Shimizu

Bruce Shimizu (LA ’90) presented a case study on the leadership role The Housing Company has taken in developing a new community in Ukiah utilizing the principles of green building. Read more (.pdf) about why his firm elected to build green.


Elizabeth FitzZaland and Tylor Middlestadt among those honored in “Quest for the Best”

Picture of Quest for Best group photo

The annual awards recognize student leaders in each college and ASI who exemplify core values of excellence, stewardship, collaboration, integrity and community through academic achievement and volunteerism. Visit Cal Poly's archives at Digital Commons to read about all the recipients and FitzZaland, a city and regional planning graduate student, and Middlestadt, an architectural engineering student representing ASI.


CRP Student Wins National Award

Picture of Elizabeth_FitzZaland

City and regional planning graduate student Elizabeth FitzZaland has won the student 2005 Distinguished Leadership Award from the American Planning Association. Read more about her work to be featured in the March issue of Planning magazine by going to Digital Commons and searching for this article under 2005 news releases.


Cal Poly Students Earn 1st Place in Bank of America
Low-Income Housing Challenge

Photo of winning team of students and their advisors

The team from the Orfalea College of Business, three departments of the CAED, and their advisors posed for a photo after earning the top award in the Bank of America Low-Income Housing Challenge. City and Regional Planning Professor D. Gregg Doyle coached them on their large-scale plans to redevelop a low-income housing project in Paso Robles. Read more in the Press Release (.pdf).

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Alumni Collage

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CAED Diversity Plan Cover

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Landscape Architecture freshman Joshua Schneider sketches in his notebook outside of the Dexter Building.

Learn how to support Learn by Doing at the CAED.

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Hearst Lecture Series

Mabel Wilson promo

Cal Poly's College of Architecture and Environmental Design presents the 2024-25 Hearst Lecture Series

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